
Colorblind in people eyes 


   It is a fact that this world does not really have a lot of color in it. There is only one source of color that we see, and that is the brain, and the eyes. I will therefore spend a good amount of time explaining how normal people, blind people, and colorblind people see color and how animals perceive color in this article. 

How Do We See Color?

   I found this article from a website trusted by more than a thousand artists around the world. The author of the article is not mentioned at all. The simple purpose of this article is to explain how we humans perceive color. According to the article, the color that we see is “the surface of an object reflects some colors and absorbs all the others. We perceive only the reflected colors.” In simple words this means the color that we see is the light that is reflected from the object to our eyes .When these lights enter the human eye, the light will be able to be read and labeled by the human eye and brain. It is those labels that give us the colors we see when we look at them. The article is not argumentative or intended to warn of anything, but just some scientific information for those who are curious about this issue, so the article has a very calm tone.

Blind People Can’t See Color but Understand It the Same Way as Sighted People

    This article was written by Judy Kim, a student of John Hopkin, also known as a postdoctoral associate at Yale University . By her calm tone in the research paper, it is easy for those who are curious about what do blind people see. The site of this article belongs to John Hopkins University. The purpose of the article is to answer the question of whether blind people see colors or not. Some people with low blind levels can see bright colors but can see dark colors. They can see the color but it fades or they have a hard time naming the color. People born with blind can’t see anything but they can hear and imagine the color of the object. “Blind individuals give a coherent explanation of a polar bear’s color even when they don’t agree with sighted people on the particular color of a polar bear,” Kim said. In simple terms the color that blind people see comes from the understanding and agreement with sighted people. They don’t see apples but they can tell apples are red. This article and the article “how do people see colors” are both in the same genre, nonfiction and a bit scientific, so they are not With any tone, sad or happy, there is only a stable tone. In this article, the author uses very easy-to-understand examples to explain to audiences who want to learn more about the lives of blind people. 

My Life Not Knowing What Colors Look Like

   With a heavy and sad voice tone of Kate Morgan. This magazine is Kate sharing what her life is like as a color blind person. Her purpose in writing is just to share the author’s sadness so that everyone can understand more about what it is like to be colorblind. Color blind people also have levels. At a low level they can still see color but they don’t know the difference between wine red lipstick and burgundy red lipstick. At higher levels they can’t see some specific color. at her level only can see red, yellow and blue. All of her world is only embraced by those three colors. She only knows the other color exists only if see put some something with red, yellow or blue next to it. At the highest levels, the world with those people is only black, white and gray. This magazine article was published in New York magazine. Readers who are curious about the lives of people with color blindness can learn about it on this page. 

“ Color me awestruck: how color blindness glasses work”

   This article belongs to The Sharp Health Team website, which is a website often written about stories about Sharp Healthcare and hospitals. This article was written by Gayle Howard, an ophthalmologist. Although it doesn’t have a lot of critical tones and scientific jargon, this article brings a very hopeful message. The content of this article is about glasses that help people with color blindness see colors. The glasses will stop some light to make it easier for the eye to read what is reflected from the object in front of it. The intended audience for this article is people who are color blind or relatives of people who are color blind


My life with writing

    Starting with when I was young, I didn’t really like writing. I think I’m very bad at writing so I like math more. until I met my first best friend. She is the one who brought me to the fiction world. At first I just liked reading books. Gradually, I thought, why don’t I try writing? From there, the exercises related to writing describe emotions. I discovered I’m very good at expressing emotions. I still remember that when I was in sixth grade, the assignment was to write about the character’s regret when he accidentally caused his friend to die. I was praised by my teacher when I read my essay in front of the class. Another time the teacher assigned us to write an essay but it was actually more like a fable. The topic is about us making a mistake and then we are turned into an animal and we will live in that animal’s form until we realize our own mistakes. I surprised the whole class with my essay. I was complimented by my classmates that the story was very good but the ending was quite sad and my reading voice also moved everyone. Since then, I have liked writing more. But I don’t like sharing my work with anyone because I feel embarrassed about it. I know I’m a terrible author. In the eyes of my classmates, I am a dreamer who likes unreal love stories. I also believed that until I went to America. I was instructed by my teacher to write argument essays and I also did very well at that. I once again discovered another self in writing. Not only am I a dreamer, I am also a stubborn person who gives opinions and provides evidence to defend my thesis. But stubbornness also has a bad side. I just learned a lifelong lesson about my stubbornness. In the first essay for class FIQWS 10105, I did not follow the topic but did it according to my own ideas. I paid the price for my stubbornness: the work I put the most effort and hope into failed to meet the requirements. I felt very bad about my first college essay. Because I had high hopes for that essay but received it back as unsatisfactory, I chose to give up on it. I received help from the professor. The professor asked me to rewrite that article but I turned him down. Because every time I think about my hopes not meeting the requirements, I’m like a robot that runs out of energy, I run away from rewriting it. That’s my story from the first steps until now, I don’t know what the future will be like. The good news is that I have begun to return to the world of romantic fiction books. So in the near future I will return to being a writer. I hope this time my work and writing style will improve and satisfy me. Maybe then I’ll let someone read it. Speaking of which, I really admire the authors of the works I’m reading. They can write well and have the courage to post their stories online.

   Then I will dedicate this part to the changes and my own progress and weaknesses from the first steps until now. As mentioned above, I did not like writing when I was young. Because I often misspell words, I don’t like writing very much. I always get bad grades in spelling tests, which makes me dislike writing. and still she is my first best friend. the person I spend a lot of time texting about everything in life. Texting with her helps me get better at spelling correctly. Honestly, I’m no better at spelling things correctly, but I’ve found another way, which is to use synonyms. When I want to use a word to describe something but I don’t know how to spell it, I will use another word with the same meaning that I know instead. The good side of that is that it makes my life easier. The bad side of that is that my vocabulary is very small. With my limited vocabulary, writing a good essay is impossible. So I feel dissatisfied with my work so I don’t share it with anyone. My weaknesses are spelling and vocabulary. I admit without arguing anything. My second weakness is punctuation. I don’t know how to place commas properly. The punctuation marks that I use most correctly are periods and question marks. so sad! And I don’t know how to get line breaks properly. For my favorite books, their authors use line breaks to make their main text beautiful and easy to understand. I honestly tried my best to learn but it was impossible. Maybe I will try again next time I write. Have I mentioned that I am a very wandering person? When I write something about myself or the stories I write are difficult to understand, I jump from one idea to another without any connection. I think it’s because I didn’t plan the plot first that the ideas are so haphazard. Next time I will plan the plot and outline first. The good thing is that I have improved. In the past, all my essays were so haphazard, but now I am quite satisfied with my recent argument essays or research studies. Because my ideal has been presented in a very easy to understand way in my opinion. As soon as I received the assignment, I immediately had an outline of how I would present it, so it was much less haphazard than my essays in the past. That’s only in certain types of essays, but I’m not sure about others, especially essays about myself, my ideas are still confused. like I’m doing right now. One good change in my writing that I’ve seen so far is that it’s less childish, I say it less. Maybe it’s because I’ve learned a lot of things along the way from the beginning, so it’s less naive and less childish. As for how to prove my changes, I won’t give any specific evidence, but I know. I often re-read my works many times to write new ideas, so I am very familiar with my own works. Making these comments for myself is all based on personal experience.

   I’ll stop here and I’ll wait a little longer to see if I’ve changed my weaknesses in awkward words and spelling. punctuation and style as well. Moreover, I will see if my arguments about the outline and the idea go anywhere to see if it continues to improve or if it just stops there.


color blind

   In the first essay, in order to be fair and scientific, I could not put my own feelings into the essay. and I will do that in this essay. The topic I chose is colorblind. It’s a fairly normal issue, the message I want to convey about this topic is nothing lofty. I just want my audience, when they see my post, to pay more attention to the problem of color blindness.

   Color blindness versus complete blind is not a big deal. However, I want you to understand and feel their world. There are many types of color blindness. At a low level,  you will not be able to distinguish a few colors. Seriously, you can only see black and white like on my poster. In the poster I am showing you that a boy is color blind. whether his hair is white or the flower he wears on his lips is blue, his shirt is blue. But he only sees everything black and white. The boy in my poster is completely color blind .If you cover your right hand, you will see the world of someone who is not colorblind. But if you cover the left side, you’ll see what the world is like for color blind people. That’s what my poster wants to convey. But there are still some other types of color blindness like they can only see pale green, or they can only see yellow. There are also people who can only see red and black.

   To give you a little information about what causes color blindness, it is due to the absence of cells in the eye. In the eyes of humans and some animals, there is a cell that helps us distinguish colors, called the Cone cell. The cone is responsible for labeling the light beams that are directed from the object to our eyes. Those labels are the colors we see. Cone is also divided into three types S, M, L. Missing one of the three types of cone cells will lead to color blindness.

   During my search to complete my first essay, I read two magazines written from the story of gỉrls who are colorblind. Their lives are not too different from other people. it’s just hard for them to perceive colors. It’s worth mentioning that they just don’t want others to look at them with pity. They also have some struggles in life caused by color blindness, but they don’t want to become pitiful in the eyes of others. So I want you to understand that they are special, not pitiful.

   Through this poster and essay, I just want more people to care about the problem of color blind people. so I can borrow your brain. I hope that when the problem of color blind people becomes more known, there will be more initiatives and creative inventions to help more color blind people. For example, green light and red light for people with color blindness. Or continue to develop glasses for people with color blindness at a cheaper price and even people with complete color blindness can see colors.


Trauma and psychological problems in children and adult

 War is inevitable. In addition to physical damage, psychological damage is also a part of war. Psychological injuries are somewhat scarier than physical injuries. This research paper will provide signs to identify whether someone is struggling with trauma or not. Moreover, this essay will give reasons why we should pay attention to people psychologically affected by trauma. At the end are some treatments commonly applied by psychologists to treat trauma. 

   Why is psychological damage more terrifying than physical damage? Because physical damage can be easily recognized with the naked eye, psychological damage will be more difficult to recognize. In many cases, not only the people around them but even the patient cannot recognize whether they are psychologically injured or not. Psychological damage caused by war is often trauma. So what exactly is trauma? According to “the impact of childhood trauma on children’s wellbeing and adult behavior” research paper by Cheyenne Downey, Aoife Crummy trauma is the psychological illness of a person after experiencing a terrible situation.. Trauma can form in victims of rape, victims of violence, and especially victims of war. Why trauma especially in victims of war? In the research article “The effectiveness of trauma treatment approaches in refugee children and adolescents: A systematic review” by Emel Genc said “An estimated 65 % of children are diagnosed with PTSD in Europe (Müller et al., 2019) while the rate of PTSD in refugee children is even higher (El Baba and Colucci, 2018, Müller et al., 2019).” This can be understood that victims of war, especially children, are highly psychologically affected by trauma. Moreover there is a strange thing about trauma that may not appear immediately after the victim experiences danger. It can also appear and affect the victim’s psychology some time later. So you may not know if people around you have a problem with trauma until signs begin to appear. In the research paper of Cheyenne Downey, Aoife Crummy provide some signs to recognize a person affected by trauma are that they will have flashbacks of the event, nightmares, avoid people or places that remind them of the event that took place, in some people they don’t want to be reminded of what happened. Just like Elisha’s Dawn was written by Wiesel, E. throughout Dawn it is easy to see Elisha seeing flashbacks to the war days. From the beginning of the book Elisha sees the “Beggar”,the illusion of dead people, Elisha’s friend who lost his arm. These things show that Elisha is very seriously affected by trauma. He even saw visions of those who had passed away. In the impact of childhood trauma on children’s well being and adult behavior research paper by Cheyenne Downey, Aoife Crummy also mentioned a sign that people affected by trauma will not want to be alone. That’s also the reason why Elisha accepted Gab’s offer when joining the Movement. ” You will not be strangers encamped in an age and a place that are not yours. Come brothers, come!” ( Wiesel, E., pg 14) Elisha lost his parents, friends and relatives around him. He also had no homeland to return to, so he had no one to rely on. Since he has no one to rely on, Gab’s offer is like giving Elisha a home to belong to where there are people who have the same pain as Elisha. That shows that he is also a victim of trauma. The main character of Khirbeth Khizeh admitted “True, it all happened a long time ago, but it has haunted me ever since” (Khizeh, pg 1). That shows that he is  a victim of trauma. Or like the couple in the story collection Palestine’s Children by Kanafani, Ghassan. “ For twenty years she avoided talking about it, for twenty years” (Kanafani, Ghassan, pg 151).  That couple did not mention that they had been evicted and lost their child for twenty years. They did not return to Haifa for twenty years. The above characters have signs of trauma, they avoid the event that caused them trauma, suffer from illusions, and have flashbacks of what happened in the past. Compared to physical damage, they suffer more from psychological damage. Even though Elisha had to spend some time in the Holocaust, he never mentioned any physical trauma. From the beginning to the end of the novel, he was only haunted by trauma. The main character in Khirbet Khizeh, he did not suffer any physical damage because his side won the war but he had to deal with the psychological trauma of seeing himself and his comrades corrupted by the war. The thing that haunts them the most for the couple in Returning in Haifa is the trauma of losing their first child. In some cases, if the victim cannot stand it, the brain will erase the memory as a way to protect them. In other cases, the victim is not only affected by trauma or simply erased memories to protect, but the victim can give birth to many different personalities to protect them.   

   If physical injury is the struggle to cope with the inconveniences that physical injury brings, then psychological injury is the struggle to survive. Some reasons to be concerned about people affected by trauma given by research by Cheyenne Downey and Aoife Crummy are that victims of trauma have low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Some people, in order to reduce the effects of trauma, may abuse stimulants such as drugs or alcohol. In some severe cases, they will have thoughts of self-harm or suicide. According to the National Library of Records, there are up to six million deaths from trauma each year and it’s not just about psychology or miss-behavior it’s also about the physique of the patient. Victims of trauma often lie in a state of stress, which leads to their body being overloaded in the long run because in a stressful for interminable situation, the brain will be tired to think, the heart will be overloaded and have a high chance of having cardiovascular problems. The scary thing about trauma is not only that it affects the victim’s psychology or body, but also that it can affect those around them. When children are abused, they will think that violence is a normal part of education. They abuse and continue the cycle on their children and grandchildren. They will pass their own trauma onto their children and the cycle will not stop.

   Even though the signs of trauma have been listed and researched by psychologists for a long time, it is still difficult to tell whether a person is affected by trauma or not. because if the signs are not so obvious they can easily be ignored and most victims will not realize or deny that they are affected by trauma. That is more difficult to treat, which is also why psychological damage is scarier than physical damage. In some patients, they will have difficulty contacting strangers, they will try to separate them from society. The majority of victims who choose to separate from society are often victims of rape or victims of war because they are attacked by their own kind, making it difficult for them to trust others. This also makes it difficult to know if they are affected by trauma or not since they don’t want anyone to come close. This can be seen in Dawn’s Elisha and Khirbet Khizeh’s main character. In Elisha, the people around Elisha are also struggling with their own trauma, they realize that the people around them are affected by trauma but they cannot do anything because they cannot save themselves. They often use the phrase “Don’t torture yourself” couple of times in the book to comfort themself. That led to Elisha’s psychology being seriously affected by trauma to the point of seeing illusions. As for the male lead of Khirbet Khizeh, although it seemed better that he chose to tell what happened to him, the bad thing is that he can’t trust the people around him anymore as soon as he sees his comrades were corrupted by the war, even though he was almost corrupted. In the middle of the book, around page 20  to 40, the part shows how the main character of Khirbet Khizeh and his teammate are corrupted. “ Right there”, I roasted pointing them out to Gaby … what felt like my moment of shame” ( Khizeh, pg 20). In that scene, he experienced three mixed emotions: feeling happy to see his comrades attack innocent people, then feeling guilty about it, and finally regretting for feeling guilty. He was almost corrupted by the war, which made him feel heavy when talking about what happened because he was haunted by guilt. In the end, even though he felt wrong about what they did, he didn’t say it to any of his teammates. I no longer have faith in those corrupted people. He lost his trust so it was very difficult to treat since he no longer wanted to trust anyone but the good thing is that he at least acknowledged and released his own trauma by telling the story of what happened.

   However the good news is that psychological damage can be completely cured, but physical damage cannot. The main character of Khirbet Khizeh did the right thing. According to Emel Gen’s research, this is called trauma-focused CBT. It is understandable that patients will confront their own trauma by recalling everything that happened and accepting it as part of their memory without continuing to run away from it. Once they have completely faced and accepted it, the patient can overcome their psychological difficulties and continue living without being affected by trauma anymore. In the research article “The effectiveness of trauma treatment approaches in refugee children and adolescents: A systematic review” by Emel Genc also mention Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy This means that when the patient recounts what happened, the psychiatrist will do something to calm and relax the patient’s psychology at the same time as having the patient do breathing exercises. Breathing while recounting the abuse, or giving them a link to images such as butterflies or a pen moving gently will ease the pain as they remember the pain of the past. It is still best to see a psychologist to find treatment specific to each different situation and condition that trauma brings to the patient.

     All the ideals above show that psychological damage is scarier than physical damage because of the difficulty of recognition and the consequences that psychological damage brings. However, psychological damage can be completely cured if the patient can recognize and accept treatment from psychologists.

Work cite

The effectiveness of trauma treatment approaches in refugee children and adolescents: A systematic review – Emel Genc

The impact of childhood trauma on children’s wellbeing and adult behavior – 

Cheyenne Downey, Aoife Crummy

Wiesel, E (1961). Dawn Hill and Wang

Kanafani, Ghassan. “Returning To Haifa.” Palestine’s Children : Returning to Haifa and Other Stories. Translated by Barbara  

  Harlow and Karen E. Riley, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000, pp. 149-188.

S.Yizhar. Khirbet Khizeh